In other words, he only wants those who butter up his massive, malignant narcissistic ego.

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That’s called state TV.

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Yes, boycott the press conferences- he just lies anyway so don’t give him the platform to use for his propaganda. I think they are protecting his obvious mental decline by only having friendly press cover him.

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That would take a lot of butter.

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LOLOL! Vats!

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Just don't give that to him !!!!

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This is unacceptable. Reporters MUST stand together and oppose this.

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So important to keep highlighting this. Yet another attempt to control the narrative, control the press, and punish anyone who dares ask a reasonable question. Trump will always move the goal posts, so it was baffling to me why some in the press seemed to think that playing nice to keep access was a sustainable strategy. Agree that things will just get worse, so better to band together and keep the pressure on.

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Unbelievable Jim. Thank you for calling this out♥️

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What comes out will be propaganda - NOT news. Welcome to the New Russia.

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So thankful for you!! Please please keep it up!! Get and stay FIRED THE HELL UP

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He only wants what makes him look good. The press core needs to United and rise up against him.

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Peter Baker said it was a Putin memory of his when Vlad did this exact thing when he first came into power. Baker was a journalist in Moscow at that time.

Does this mean that Brietbart, the End of Days folks and the Natl Enquirer?

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Classic autocrat move, they conflated the White House with the People. That the resident of the White House is the one and only voice of the people.

Time for the US press to stand up, they did not do it in 2015 and 2016, it's about damn time.

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Thank you for this powerful statement, Jim. It's obvious that Trump is afraid of the press. If he's as great as he says he is, what's he got to be afraid of? Chicken!!!

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Thanks for continuing to speak out in support of a free press. I don’t think people realize how important it is to have free and fair press access to our government. You’re one of the few talking about this.

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If the press complies, then they will be accessories to Trump's ill deeds.

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Thank you Jim - you need your own media channel You ROCK

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You are a true reporter with integrity and you feel compelled to communicate with us on your day off. We love you for it and we trust you. Please pace yourself and take care of yourself because we need our energy for this continued fight. We are fighting everyday, too! Looking forward to hearing Schmidt tomorrow. Try to get Chris Murphy also please.

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And this is how the propaganda is sent out….. new media outlets…,

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