Trump shouldn't be taking natural resources from Ukraine as a form of retribution. He should be taking them from Russia, the aggressor. Trump the Extortionist.

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How does taking natural resources stop the war?

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It weakens Ukraine to help Putin take the rest of Europe. Why does the USA get 1/2 of Ukraine's resources? Other countries in NATO contributed to Ukraine's effort, too! What do they get?

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It’s very upsetting to see this shake down of Zelensky, a courageous man of integrity, by Trump, a coward and a liar.

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I think of history when I think about these issues.

Roosevelt had EXACTLY the same argument with Republicans about saving England before we got into WWII (because the Japanese attacked on the OTHER side of the world). Roosevelt won on Lend-Lease (where we "loaned" ships to England so they wouldn't starve). Roosevelt explained it this way:

If your neighbor's house is burning down, you don't wait until the fire spreads to your house. You lend a hand and try to put the fire out.

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How can you say Elon's good at industry?

Tesla Stocks are tanking,

Dogecoin is breaking people,

SpeceX crashes more rockets than it sets satellites into orbit,

X is a trash heap no one wants to use.

If the Democrats would just get off of it, it would go down tomorrow. They would be bored to tears with no one to argue with.

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You are right on about this being a crazy reality show.

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As Himes said: “A reality show with nuclear weapons”. Terrifying, and a perfect description.

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Yes. I don’t get that at all. This interview didn’t really give me a lot of confidence in the senator’s position.

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I'm so sick for Ukraine! The US is a villain 100% no doubt.

I really hope I live to see the day when Trump and his crime syndicate are taken down.

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The interview with Rep. Himes was great, from both men. I'm happy to leave the compromised Washington Post for real critical journalism. Thanks you, Mr. Acosta!

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It’s very refreshing to see these interviews with Senators and Congress Representatives that are uncensored and to the point. We appreciate honesty and straightforwardness.. Thank You to each and everyone who participates and Thank You, Jim Acosta.

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Elon Musk didn't transform those businesses. He had good engineers and techs that did that. He bought the transformation!!

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— and then proceeded to destroy what he bought!

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And Twitter hasn’t been profitable since he took over.

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There's a lot of truth there. But Jim Hines made the point that business isn't like government and I think he's right. I spent two years (drafted during Vietnam) in the Army and most of a career working for a public utility. Waste and incompetence virtually DEFINES both of those.

We beat the Russians to the Moon (but not into space) for two reasons: (1) We have a much bigger industrial base and we were able to "waste and incompetence" our way all the way to the Moon. (You notice that in fifty plus years, we haven't been back.) (2) We threw caution to the wind and killed a bunch of wonderful astronauts doing it.

So, Musk realized that he could attract really competent people by simply combining the government's money with an environment where doing it right and not just playing it safe had the appeal of Marilyn Monroe doing a strip tease at the Super Bowl. Hell ... I would have traded half my salary just to work on something really significant alongside really competent people. (The opportunity never came up. Life is like that sometimes.)

So ... Musk had the right stuff and was lucky enough to be where it really counted. Plus, he's more greedy than Scrooge McDuck. But he's still a NAZI.

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He’s allowed to get away with his illegal activities during his previous tenure and as a civilian before becoming president! He even instigated an insurrection to stay in power in 2020. Now he’s caring out a coup in his second term and will attempt to stay in power past the time allowed in the Constitution! He’s a very dangerous human being!

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And you're being generous in comparing him to a human being.

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I feel so awful for Zelensky and am so embarrassed for our country. It's disgusting what our orange court jester is doing, all for Putin.

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Trump is not doing this for Putin. Trump doesn't do ANYTHING FOR ANYBODY. He does things for himself. To feed his ego. To get something else he wants. Or, in this case, I continue to believe, more than ever, that Putin is blackmailing him.

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I also think that he cannot get rid of Elon if he wanted to as Elon bought the election for him and there is also the Starlink connection to the voting machines and Trumps comment that Elon 'knows' the machines and got them the win in Pennsylvania. Still waiting for more investigation with connection of Starlink and voting machines.

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I think you will wait for quite a long time for that investigation.

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From recent reports, I believe that Putin is actually *paying* him.

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good point!

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I am sick that Zelinsky will give anything away without any suspicions that Putin will be involved - scares me to death!

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Steve has saved my sanity. After that horrible budget vote yesterday I couldn't sleep and felt panicked. I listened to Steve and am myself again. Thank you both!

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That’s right!!!

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Great idea Steve Schmidt.....have Governors invite leaders from our allies to come here.

Also, REMINDER: 5 CALLS APP...gives all the info you need, i.e. the bill, the script, for you to call your Reps every day.... make 5 calls a day.

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Great interview!! Loads of great insights!👍🏻 Thank you Jim!!!

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After the US siding with Russia and North Korea in the UN vote, the US has become part of the Axis of Evil and yes it is the bad guy for sure in the Ukraine situation. Remember Ukraine relied on the US' promise of security that they gave up their nuclear weapons. They wouldn't be where they are if they had kept their nuclear weapons. Now the US extorts them for their minerals, without even promising security. Even the mafia may have a better record of keeping their side of the bargain.

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Couldn’t watch live, caught up and glad I did. What a fantastic show, Jim. Have always respected Jim Himes and enjoyed that interview immensely. I do like the bit more informal aspect of Substack, it’s like watching friends talking, as opposed to the traditional newsroom. Steve Schmidt was also an excellent interview and learned some insight. So very upsetting about Ukraine. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦. Thank you so much, Jim 💙

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Great show Jim. So glad you're doing what you do so well. We need more Congressman speaking clearly to us. Also need more Steve Schmidt. Hardhitting but a dose of reality of how we got here and what the consequences will be. I also believe the american people will not tolerate this, and I think the uprising will happen this year. My fear is that Trump will declare martial law and there will be bloodshed. How will we survive all of this without the free press and military leaders willing to say No?

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It’s disgusting!!

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