This is a fantastic rally for democracy. Thank you Lauren!

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Thanks for this, Jim. I actually got chills watching this.

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Lauren, keep up the good work. Come to Texas! Bring your puppets!

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My do something today is $25 to these races which could swing things our way:

Judge Susan Crawford for Wisconsin Supreme Court

·Gay Valimont (D) How you can support her

Joshua Weil (D) How you can support him

Blake Gendebien (D) Blake Gendebien for Congress | Meet Blake

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People are getting out and getting LOUD!!!!!!

Love to see this live :)

Thanks for doing this special edition!!

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Making history Jim! I love this type of reporting!🙋🏼‍♀️💪🏻💙

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Jim, do your town hall .....we need bigger events to escalate the pushback

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Does my KANSAS heart good! Come see us!

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Great live piece! I'm so glad you got out there for us North Carolinians!

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Jim, you need her & her puppets at your town hall.

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My heart sings to see and hear this. Thank you, Jim Acosta and Lauren and all who are standing up for democracy.

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Welcome to California! Great way to be on the road and doing a “live” broadcast! This is far better than polished media blips. Nothing like real time data!

P. S. Love the puppets! 😊😊😊😊

Nancy -Benicia

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Nashville, Tennessee next! You’re welcome to stay here at my house. I have 2 bedrooms with queen size beds upstairs and I’ll cook!

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So happy to see this and the puppets and website!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💙

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I live in a very small town in CA between Death Valley and Yosemite. We have been seriously impacted by these cuts. We have seasonal employees that are not being rehired. We have BLM employees and Forrest Service employees. Our parks, Bristlecone, Death Valley and Yosemite have been impacted. They already cut our Social Security office from here so people have to travel 200 miles to get to Social Security. Everyone is impacted.

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So sorry Diana!

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