Concerning Canada, those of us who live in New England & New York would like our states to be Canada's newest province. Maybe the west coast would like to be one too.
Canada would be happy to add people who believe in our values of respect, honesty, integrity, freedom, diversity, equity, inclusion and the rights of our first nations. If only we wouldn't have to take MAGAits as well.
As tempting as it is to become a part of Canada, I’d rather we stand together & give Canada back a neighbor they can trust. I heard a PM Candidate say a 4yr old girl in Saskatoon came up to her & asked “Can you stop Trump from invading Canada?” Aside from a broken heart that she would have to ask for protection from the US as we once asked the same about the USSR, my thought was, the PM wouldn’t have to. Because I believe I would not be the only one to head north to the border to stand between our neighbor & any of our military-& I don’t think there’d be many since our Military is us-who would follow such an illegal order, blocking their way, flowers in our hands… & steel in our backbones! We can do no less for Lady Liberty & little Saskatoon girls!
The dismantling of NOAA is extremely dangerous. All major airlines use the weather info in their data centers to schedule flights. They give info to pilots before flights electronically. They are known as METARS and TAFS to the industry. This doesn’t exist because of some magic at the airlines centers. It is vital to passenger safety. You can get an idea of how this works on the web site: The NOAA logo is at the bottom of the page.
His supporters only care about their grocery and gas bills. Mass killings (including from measles here in our own country), mass firings, crickets. Where is Congress?
His supporters also only care about their own kind. The good news is that their “king” is disenfranchising THEM as well. That’s where the rubber meets the road. Onward and Upward GAP soldiers! 💪
Start by standing against him. Write thousands of letters to your Congress and Senate. Trump is so powerful because both Houses think it's their way to re-election. Prove them wrong.
It sounds fine to me as I live in Washington State. Canada does not have a toddler and evil man like we have in office and his minions! Trumps "trade war" has only started "tit for tat". He is an embarrassment on the local as well as international stage. Ship him and his cabinet to Putin.
Thank you Dr. Collins ,that was just fantastic! Thank you Jim for posting and talking to Dr Collins. We are going to DC next week to advocate for health care.
My husband just found out a medication he needs for his cancer (luckily in the early curable stage) is in short supply! Coincidence, I don’t think so. Storage of material used for research has been lost due to funding cuts and that’s not just human diseases but agricultural research into the food we eat. My son in law, a research chemist has told me scientific research has been set back 30 years. The vision is for large pharmaceutical corporations to produce run of the mill existing drugs. Anyone with an exotic disease or has needs for an expensive drug will just die. This is Trump’s and mostly Musk’s vision is; let the weaker die and the rest of the able bodied be their serfs. Musk is the dangerous one, Trump is a useful idiot who doesn’t have an intelligent thought in his head other than golf. The future is dark, we need to stop them NOW!
Thank you for reporting the facts Jim Acosta! I am disappointed that only 60 percent of Americans oppose Canada as 51st state. That number should be much much higher. OF course I am very disappointed in my fellow country members who voted for the felon and those who didn’t vote. Made it to two marches this week. Encouraging everyone I know to use the 5 calls app and call their senators and reps, even in blue states like my own. Viva la Resistance!!
I can't sings the praises of the 5 Calls app more loudly! Easy to use, doesn't take much time out of anyone's busy day, and it's satisfying to help the GAP. My early 30s neighbor got me hooked on it. Now he, his wife, and I report back each day on who we called and what issue we called about. Give it a try!
We all need to push back and resist. Never have I seen such chaos and hate like this before in our country. This time definitely feels different. We have a bully, felon, grifter and liar all rolled into one, leading this country. He needs to be challenged or he will only become more emboldened and dangerous. He is destroying many Americans' livelihoods and will let Putin destroy Ukraine if doesn't get what he wants.
The viciousness of the GOP is beginning to show and wear thin on Americans who want them to focus on kitchen table issues and not on their vitriol. They are fighting in cabinet meetings with Musk, over his overruling their authorities. They are also going after Justice Barrett and Chief Justice Roberts, after she and he concluded that the administration must release the congress-appropriated funds that Musk froze. These two Supreme Court thinkers voted with their heads and the others voted with their party’s preference. Hopefully, these two will continue to think about their votes, rather than bend the knee to Trump et al.
During Democratic presidential speeches to congress, over the past decade, GOP congress people loudly have voiced objections. However, only one has been censured, Al Green (D-TX), who voiced objection during Trump’s address. The GOP majority voted for censure, along with ten Democrats, who apparently were hanging onto decorum, where none exists anymore. And that is part of the problem with Democrats. They are confused, fighting with feathers in street fights with those who have no boundaries.
Maybe there will come a day when the word decorum will become relevant again, that day is not now. Most Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z folks are more progressive in their political views while the average age in congress is around fifty-seven years. Younger people are pushing harder, and older ones hang onto decorum.
Representatives, elected by their constituents, must begin to listen to the people or they will no longer be there.
It’s like when Al Franken resigned his congressional seat due to sexual harassment with no Democratic support or pushback complaints: how quaint; how typical. And now we have a rapist/felon/traitor/Russian asset in the White House.
Gail began with "The viciousness of the GOP" and ended with "Representatives...must begin to listen to the people." The fact is, we are where we are because GOP members of Congress do listen but they also hear many threats to the safety of their families. They are filled with fear -not just of Musk funding an opposition in a primary election- but more viscerally due to fake calls to 911 sending police to their homes with fake statements of crimes inside their homes (SWATTING), noisy mobs of MAGAts outside their homes jeering and threatening, many letters and phone calls to their Congressional office including death threats to intimidate them into MAGA compliance. Not unlike the "Brown Shirts" of the SA in the early days of Hitler's rise in Germany.
If it were not for this campaign of fear (both organized and organic) Trump would have been convicted of impeachment after January 6. Fear brought about Trump's 2nd Term.
"Liz Cheney told CNN that House GOP members confided to her that they were “afraid for their own security—afraid, in some instances, for their lives.” Representative Jason Crow of Colorado told NBC News after January 6: “I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues last night, and a couple of them broke down in tears—saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment.” ---- quoted from: “They’re Scared Shitless”: The Threat of Political Violence Informing Trump’s Grip on Congress. (With the president smashing norm after norm, even lawmakers within his party have feared for their personal safety, and at least one has told confidants that it has swayed his decision-making.) Vanity Fair, By Gabriel Sherman; February 19, 2025.
Jim Acosta mentions that Dr. Collins has been threatened. Collins is proof that love conquers fear. It is also a reminder of FDR's strong advice - "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." Let not fear go unchecked by courage of conviction!
There is an element within the MAGA believers that embrace bullying, harassing and even straight out violence (a la Jan 6). Those who believe in the ideals of democracy should be courageous and push back and do it without imitating the tactics of bullies in the MAGA sphere.
Spreading the word of the devastation caused by Musk's cuts, mass marching, and the court cases (over 90 now) all work together for the good. Ultimately, the key leaders in this government will be held to account for violating the Constitution, making corrupt bargains for their own gain, and treasonous violations of treaties sanctioned by Congress.
We all care about grocery and gas bills, but not to the exclusion of our support for freedom and democracy within our own country and in the rest of the world. Ukraine’s survival as a free and independent sovereign country MATTERS! The strength of NATO MATTERS! America’s place with our allies MATTERS! Remembering that the Russian, North Korean, and Chinese governments are our enemies MATTERS!
Protest is fine and good. 1.. future election integrity is at question. What are we doing about that ?2. How do we sustain action over years ? 3. How do we Institute reforms so that perversion of institutions cannot be done again, and maintain the Union ?
Louis, I agree our future election integrity is at question. I remember "Trump tells Christian voters they 'won't have to vote anymore' if he's elected."
Per NPR: "You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians," he said.
Excellent article, Mr. Acosta! You are the master of metaphors!
On a serious note, Canada is counting on the rational citizens of the US to push back as hard as they can. It isn’t just Americans who have felt the divisive, execrable and pervasive effects of his presence in the political atmosphere; the misogyny, the racism, the xenophobia, etc. have all made their way into Canada. I have never seen Canadians express these deplorable sentiments to the degree that I see now and I can pin it down to nothing but the Trump effect. Yes, of course some Canadians held these views before the advent of the mango maniac , but his influence made it acceptable to profess these views. And his threats of tariffs and annexation definitely have us worried.
Although I have to say, his tariff proposals and repeated comments about making us the 51st state have also united us like never before. We aren’t a people to wave flags and chant our country’s name; our patriotism is deep and subtle. But these days we are more conspicuously “Canadian” than I have seen since I was a wee one during Expo ‘67…from boycotting American made products, to booing the “Star Spangled Banner” at sporting events (we hate Trump , not Americans or America, and we usually sing along to your anthem), to wearing “Canada is Not for Sale” T-shirts and hats.
Concerning Canada, those of us who live in New England & New York would like our states to be Canada's newest province. Maybe the west coast would like to be one too.
I live in Michigan and would be happy to be a part of Canada.
Add Wisconsin to that!
I live in OK and I would love to be part of Canada.
Canada would be happy to add people who believe in our values of respect, honesty, integrity, freedom, diversity, equity, inclusion and the rights of our first nations. If only we wouldn't have to take MAGAits as well.
I live in California and I would love to be a part of Canada.🇨🇦
Im in SC maybe someone could free us as well
Your plea is a 200-year old echo.
Plenty of us on the west coast would be more than happy to #WEXIT and become part of Canada! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Minnesota's onboard!
Canada would love to have you!! ❤️🇨🇦👍🏻
As tempting as it is to become a part of Canada, I’d rather we stand together & give Canada back a neighbor they can trust. I heard a PM Candidate say a 4yr old girl in Saskatoon came up to her & asked “Can you stop Trump from invading Canada?” Aside from a broken heart that she would have to ask for protection from the US as we once asked the same about the USSR, my thought was, the PM wouldn’t have to. Because I believe I would not be the only one to head north to the border to stand between our neighbor & any of our military-& I don’t think there’d be many since our Military is us-who would follow such an illegal order, blocking their way, flowers in our hands… & steel in our backbones! We can do no less for Lady Liberty & little Saskatoon girls!
I live in Ohio and would be happy to be part of Canada.
Add California.
And please dip down to Colorado too.
Yes , California is ready!
NC would gladly become South Canada!
Yes, California is ready!!!
I’m in Arizona. If there’s a way to include us that would be great. 😊
The dismantling of NOAA is extremely dangerous. All major airlines use the weather info in their data centers to schedule flights. They give info to pilots before flights electronically. They are known as METARS and TAFS to the industry. This doesn’t exist because of some magic at the airlines centers. It is vital to passenger safety. You can get an idea of how this works on the web site: The NOAA logo is at the bottom of the page.
as a resident of Louisiana, I pretty much keep NOAA's hurricane center screen open from May until October. First thing I check every morning
I really worry about people in tornado alley not getting timely alerts. Even here in Maryland we need them. Take good care.
Stop flying in protest if you can.
A great point!
And let’s see how many support this President direct involvement in the mass killings of Ukrainians.
His supporters only care about their grocery and gas bills. Mass killings (including from measles here in our own country), mass firings, crickets. Where is Congress?
Where is Congress? Up Trumps ass 👺💀
Where are the capitulating Republicans in congress? The Dems need to get a stronger and clearer message out also.
Don't wait for leadership. Give leadership something to follow. Write to your Congress now before Trump damages your country beyond recovery
Or in his hip pocket. It doesn't make much difference; they're almost the same thing.
His supporters also only care about their own kind. The good news is that their “king” is disenfranchising THEM as well. That’s where the rubber meets the road. Onward and Upward GAP soldiers! 💪
Write to them! It will take thousands of letters. Start today.
Brought and paid for!
And he says he is pro-life. Ukraine children are lives, too!
For DT his is the only life that counts.
His benighted myrmidons do not care about Ukrainians, or anyone who does not worship at the clay feet of the short-fingered vulgarian.
Start by standing against him. Write thousands of letters to your Congress and Senate. Trump is so powerful because both Houses think it's their way to re-election. Prove them wrong.
So much negativity around his actions and, yet, it doesn’t matter to him.
The GAP is growing and voices get louder but we still have lots of work to do.
It’s time to bully Trump.
He needs to be challenged. Bullies cannot handle being challenged! But Vance has a lot to do with all this chaos too! He needs to be handled.
GOP became the Party Of Trump. They have gone to POT. Write thousands of letters to your congress
It sounds fine to me as I live in Washington State. Canada does not have a toddler and evil man like we have in office and his minions! Trumps "trade war" has only started "tit for tat". He is an embarrassment on the local as well as international stage. Ship him and his cabinet to Putin.
Thank you Dr. Collins ,that was just fantastic! Thank you Jim for posting and talking to Dr Collins. We are going to DC next week to advocate for health care.
My husband just found out a medication he needs for his cancer (luckily in the early curable stage) is in short supply! Coincidence, I don’t think so. Storage of material used for research has been lost due to funding cuts and that’s not just human diseases but agricultural research into the food we eat. My son in law, a research chemist has told me scientific research has been set back 30 years. The vision is for large pharmaceutical corporations to produce run of the mill existing drugs. Anyone with an exotic disease or has needs for an expensive drug will just die. This is Trump’s and mostly Musk’s vision is; let the weaker die and the rest of the able bodied be their serfs. Musk is the dangerous one, Trump is a useful idiot who doesn’t have an intelligent thought in his head other than golf. The future is dark, we need to stop them NOW!
“There are fights that you may lose without losing your honor; what makes you lose your honor is not to fight them.”
Jacques Jaujard
Brilliant quote. Thanks for posting it, Robert!
Love this, @Jim Acosta--such great reporting, as always. Thank you.
Some of us in the Pacific Northwest have expressed the desire to be included in Canada's borders. Sweep down the whole west coast, northern friends! 🙂
Thank you for reporting the facts Jim Acosta! I am disappointed that only 60 percent of Americans oppose Canada as 51st state. That number should be much much higher. OF course I am very disappointed in my fellow country members who voted for the felon and those who didn’t vote. Made it to two marches this week. Encouraging everyone I know to use the 5 calls app and call their senators and reps, even in blue states like my own. Viva la Resistance!!
I can't sings the praises of the 5 Calls app more loudly! Easy to use, doesn't take much time out of anyone's busy day, and it's satisfying to help the GAP. My early 30s neighbor got me hooked on it. Now he, his wife, and I report back each day on who we called and what issue we called about. Give it a try!
We all need to push back and resist. Never have I seen such chaos and hate like this before in our country. This time definitely feels different. We have a bully, felon, grifter and liar all rolled into one, leading this country. He needs to be challenged or he will only become more emboldened and dangerous. He is destroying many Americans' livelihoods and will let Putin destroy Ukraine if doesn't get what he wants.
The viciousness of the GOP is beginning to show and wear thin on Americans who want them to focus on kitchen table issues and not on their vitriol. They are fighting in cabinet meetings with Musk, over his overruling their authorities. They are also going after Justice Barrett and Chief Justice Roberts, after she and he concluded that the administration must release the congress-appropriated funds that Musk froze. These two Supreme Court thinkers voted with their heads and the others voted with their party’s preference. Hopefully, these two will continue to think about their votes, rather than bend the knee to Trump et al.
During Democratic presidential speeches to congress, over the past decade, GOP congress people loudly have voiced objections. However, only one has been censured, Al Green (D-TX), who voiced objection during Trump’s address. The GOP majority voted for censure, along with ten Democrats, who apparently were hanging onto decorum, where none exists anymore. And that is part of the problem with Democrats. They are confused, fighting with feathers in street fights with those who have no boundaries.
Maybe there will come a day when the word decorum will become relevant again, that day is not now. Most Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z folks are more progressive in their political views while the average age in congress is around fifty-seven years. Younger people are pushing harder, and older ones hang onto decorum.
Representatives, elected by their constituents, must begin to listen to the people or they will no longer be there.
Let’s get rid of the Al Green censoring Dems.
It’s like when Al Franken resigned his congressional seat due to sexual harassment with no Democratic support or pushback complaints: how quaint; how typical. And now we have a rapist/felon/traitor/Russian asset in the White House.
Be still my heart….
I thought Al Franken was a really good congressman.
Gail began with "The viciousness of the GOP" and ended with "Representatives...must begin to listen to the people." The fact is, we are where we are because GOP members of Congress do listen but they also hear many threats to the safety of their families. They are filled with fear -not just of Musk funding an opposition in a primary election- but more viscerally due to fake calls to 911 sending police to their homes with fake statements of crimes inside their homes (SWATTING), noisy mobs of MAGAts outside their homes jeering and threatening, many letters and phone calls to their Congressional office including death threats to intimidate them into MAGA compliance. Not unlike the "Brown Shirts" of the SA in the early days of Hitler's rise in Germany.
If it were not for this campaign of fear (both organized and organic) Trump would have been convicted of impeachment after January 6. Fear brought about Trump's 2nd Term.
"Liz Cheney told CNN that House GOP members confided to her that they were “afraid for their own security—afraid, in some instances, for their lives.” Representative Jason Crow of Colorado told NBC News after January 6: “I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues last night, and a couple of them broke down in tears—saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment.” ---- quoted from: “They’re Scared Shitless”: The Threat of Political Violence Informing Trump’s Grip on Congress. (With the president smashing norm after norm, even lawmakers within his party have feared for their personal safety, and at least one has told confidants that it has swayed his decision-making.) Vanity Fair, By Gabriel Sherman; February 19, 2025.
Jim Acosta mentions that Dr. Collins has been threatened. Collins is proof that love conquers fear. It is also a reminder of FDR's strong advice - "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." Let not fear go unchecked by courage of conviction!
There is an element within the MAGA believers that embrace bullying, harassing and even straight out violence (a la Jan 6). Those who believe in the ideals of democracy should be courageous and push back and do it without imitating the tactics of bullies in the MAGA sphere.
Spreading the word of the devastation caused by Musk's cuts, mass marching, and the court cases (over 90 now) all work together for the good. Ultimately, the key leaders in this government will be held to account for violating the Constitution, making corrupt bargains for their own gain, and treasonous violations of treaties sanctioned by Congress.
This is not Democracy: it’s Fascism.
Elected leaders should not fear for their lives for opposing a “U.S. President”! Foul! 😱💔
I would name GAP differently. Call it MAKE AMERICA A DEMOCRACY. #MAAD.
Party of Trump = POT. The GOP has gone to POT.
We all care about grocery and gas bills, but not to the exclusion of our support for freedom and democracy within our own country and in the rest of the world. Ukraine’s survival as a free and independent sovereign country MATTERS! The strength of NATO MATTERS! America’s place with our allies MATTERS! Remembering that the Russian, North Korean, and Chinese governments are our enemies MATTERS!
Protest is fine and good. 1.. future election integrity is at question. What are we doing about that ?2. How do we sustain action over years ? 3. How do we Institute reforms so that perversion of institutions cannot be done again, and maintain the Union ?
Yes. Elections are my biggest concern…😵💫
Louis, I agree our future election integrity is at question. I remember "Trump tells Christian voters they 'won't have to vote anymore' if he's elected."
Per NPR: "You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians," he said.
Excellent article, Mr. Acosta! You are the master of metaphors!
On a serious note, Canada is counting on the rational citizens of the US to push back as hard as they can. It isn’t just Americans who have felt the divisive, execrable and pervasive effects of his presence in the political atmosphere; the misogyny, the racism, the xenophobia, etc. have all made their way into Canada. I have never seen Canadians express these deplorable sentiments to the degree that I see now and I can pin it down to nothing but the Trump effect. Yes, of course some Canadians held these views before the advent of the mango maniac , but his influence made it acceptable to profess these views. And his threats of tariffs and annexation definitely have us worried.
Although I have to say, his tariff proposals and repeated comments about making us the 51st state have also united us like never before. We aren’t a people to wave flags and chant our country’s name; our patriotism is deep and subtle. But these days we are more conspicuously “Canadian” than I have seen since I was a wee one during Expo ‘67…from boycotting American made products, to booing the “Star Spangled Banner” at sporting events (we hate Trump , not Americans or America, and we usually sing along to your anthem), to wearing “Canada is Not for Sale” T-shirts and hats.
Go GAP!!!