The courts mean nothing to those bullies. They are ignoring them all, by design of Project 2025 and what SCOTUS did taking off the guardrails. Haven't you noticed? Nothing is getting through or stopping them.
I want to believe "This is not America," but I am starting to wonder, as are, rightfully, many of our allies. Maybe it is. As the niece of a man who landed at Normandy and the daughter of a man who left home at age 17, lied about his age, and joined the U.S. Navy in 1944 to "fight the Nazis," not to mention the great-niece, niece, and cousin of many who have served in all branches of the U.S. military beginning in WWI, I certainly know this is not who I am. How is this happening? What can we do to stop it? I am ready to do whatever it takes. Will someone lead? I fear we have dark days ahead.
Exactly. I'm also the daughter of a WWII Navy man who was at Normandy, granddaughter of a WWI vet and great granddaughter of a Civil War Union soldier. In just one month this orange POS has destroyed a great legacy of the US being the best.
I’m the daughter of a Pearl Harbor survivor. Sadly, he got sucked into the Fox hemisphere and was all in for the orange stain. Voted for him in 2016. Dad died in June, 2020. Had he not, he had every intention of voting for him again. Likewise, his friends were all Fox devotees. One had the nerve of wear a MAGA hat and mask to my dad’s service at the Riverside Memorial Cemetery. Such a disgrace. I often wonder if dad would still be a trump supporter. I’d like to think he would have seen the light but he was so Fox brainwashed, probably not. 😞
I am sure you are proud of your father. Our parents are human but just like us they try their best. It is difficult to figure out why they believe one way or the other.
Parents feel that way about their children as well. It must hurt especially the memory of all those MAGA hats; but focus on the fact he was loved by all those men no matter their vote. And know you were loved dearly by your father.
Love is not so much sweet and gentle as it is powerful, and I believe love transcends death. It is that powerful. Inhale all that energy. Your dad I'm sure was doing the best he could no matter how misguided you may view his politics.
My mom and dad never voted for the same candidates. Back then politics and elections were not a blood sport; just something that happened and we teased each other over our choices.
The media changed that motivated by profit. I think we will see mainstream media pay their dues in time. The outlets are dying. Look at The Washington Post.
The trauma of Pearl Harbor likely haunted your dad to the end. After the war having the camaraderie of other men was likely a big comfort.
Debra I too am ashamed,but think of the good people. I am a big fan of Sec. Mayor Pete he is a leader and a young one. I don't know if you remember Rodgers and Hammerstein's Sound of Music. But "Climb every Mountain " lyrics say: "at the end of a storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark". I could quote the whole song but you can listen to it anywhere. The words are beyond stirring- they are words of encouragement that are timeless. AHH t have music like that again. we as a generation were lucky to have lived with their talent.
I agree Beatrice. There are many good people. I am just working on absorbing how many I actually know who are not or, perhaps, in a kinder assessment, are unable or unwilling to see the truth. Working through my grief and disappointment. Not giving up.
While it's great that there are "good people" we have to DO something. there were good Germans in the 30's and 40's, good Cambodians in the 70's. It's activism time. commentary is easily muted
I am so glad you referenced Climb Every Mountain which is so inspiring. Ironic that Sound of Music (Rogers and Hammertein )is set against the backdrop of Nazism's creep into Salzburg Austria until with the culminating with the Nazi takeover. The song , "No Way To Stop It" is a great "Obey In Advance" anthem. It was only in the stage play. They cut it out from the movie.
-some of the lyrics....
You dear attractive dewy-eyed idealist, (the Captain)
Today you have to learn to be a realist.
You may be bent on doing deed of daring due,
But up against a shark, what can a herring do?
Be wise, compromise.
Compromise, and be wise!
Let them think you're on their side, be noncommittal.
I will not bow my head to the men I despise!
You won't have to bow your head to stoop a little.
Why not learn to put your faith and your reliance,
On an obvious and simple fact of science? .....
Be wise, compromise.
Compromise, and be wise!
Let them think you're on their side, be noncommittal.
I will not bow my head to the men I despise!
You won't have to bow your head to stoop a little.
Why not learn to put your faith and your reliance,
On an obvious and simple fact of science?
A crazy planet full of crazy people,
Is somersaulting all around the sky.
And every time it turns another somersault,
Another day goes by.
And there's no way to stop it,
And there's no way to stop it,
No, there's no way to stop it.
No, you can't stop it even if you tried.
So, I'm not going to worry,
No, I'm not going to worry,
Every time I see another day go by.
.....If the earth wants to roll around the sun.
You're a fool if you worry.
You're a fool if you worry,
Over anything but little number one.
I'm going to watch the play now for a little reminder to not 'obey in advance.' (the BBC TV live version).
"When you walk through a the end of the storm there is a golden sky.... " was written by Rodgers and Hammerstein for "Carousel" .
Climb Every Mountain' will remind me not to keep the dream alive. I have often gotten these two great songs switched around. They would work in either play.
Democrats in public office at any level MUST start attending republican town hall meetings totally unannounced and start setting the record straight in front of their constituency and the world. THIS WILL NOT STAND! We must be on offense!
I have said it before and I will say it again....Crocket, AOC and Buttigieg are our BEST communicators. You are absolutely correct they need to attend republican town halls unannounced. However, the republicans have been instructed not to hold town halls anymore due to constituent backlash at the meetings.
Thank you, but actually, respectively, I saw it posted in a chat discussion yesterday. It is a brilliant idea, and I thank the original poster for submitting the idea. I wish I had their name so I could acknowledge them.
Yeah, I live in Elise Stefanick's district and she has done nothing but lie and kiss Trump's derriere for the last eight years. Of course, she will be rewarded, maybe, with the UN post. Not only have we had to deal with her non-action for those years, but now her lies and syncophancy will be sicced on the world.
I don’t see how we pull out of our decline as long as we allow propaganda networks to flourish. A large portion of the country knows only lies. Democracy cannot survive without truth.
Exactly this. I think we have to boycott their sponsors and be very, very vocal about it. Spend less overall, let’s face it he’s a warmonger that is going to spend it all on Russian expansionism and we’re gonna suffer through that.
Agree totally on the power of consumer boycott. Back in the fall, I started stockpiling essentials, under the Biden economy, with the plan of quitting all non-discretionary spending if Trump won. So far, we can’t be prosecuted for not shopping. I think eventually we will be upping the concept to a national strike.
You are absolutely right. It has become so frustrating trying to find truth tellers…..why I’m here on Substack. Many times, I watch news coverage on NBC and then switch to Fox to hear what the “other side” is saying. It’s remarkable how biased the reporting is and peppered with personal commentary versus impartiality. Couple that with the prevalence of “ low information voters” and it becomes an uphill battle to get out of the situation we are in. It shouldn’t require so much effort to get the real story.
You are diligent to subject yourself to Fox News! Whenever I encounter a clip, I think how very obvious it is that they are unserious and sketchy. Another reader on a different Substack I follow shared a link to Mike Lofgren’s writing. This particular piece impressed me because he boldly goes where others refuse; Trump voters are accountable for this. Period. No excuses. Along with his opinions I share, is marveling how they survive daily life, with such stupidity.
Excellent read. Thanks for sharing the article. It resonates. Stupidity….yes and laziness. I just don’t think you can use your vote well without effort at keeping yourself informed and educating yourself, not just on the issues but history. If the right to vote was not a right of citizenship but had a qualification test as a precursor, I wonder how many people would pass.
I think the lack of engagement is rooted in narcissism. They imagine themselves to be smarter, or “above the fray”. And narcissists demand that a candidate is a 100% match for their beliefs or no deal.
I woke up this morning trying to make sense of the oval office meeting yesterday with President Zelenskyy and the stink that resonated from Trump and Vance. Do Americans not remember when Trump claimed repeatedly during his campaign he would end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours or how it would never have happened if he were president. His supporters ate it up and cheered him on. I think most Americans knew he was outright lying. He knew he could not end a war in 24 hours that Russia started. Only Putin could end the destruction and murdering of innocent Ukrainian people, but that was not Putin's goal. He said he believes Putin wants peace as Putin was bombing Ukraine. Trump once again is trying to rewrite history and has shifted the blame of the war on President Zelenskyy. My point is, Trump is destroying America, our values and all that we have stood for. JMO...I don't believe Trump is trying to make a peace deal with Ukraine's best interest in mind, but rather a deal of sorts that will be beneficial mostly to himself and Putin.
And while it's on my mind, all of his Make America Great Again nonsense that has rolled off his tongue for years is really getting old, just like him. Glory to Ukraine
He is setting us up to join the axis of evil. I have not been so ashamed since Helsinki. But the task ahead for those of us who love this country and want to thwart his evil ways is to shout louder than he does and find ways to work around him.
I was watching from New Zealand and most of us here were appalled. Our Prime Minister issued an official statement on behalf of NZ, supporting Ukraine and Zelensky. Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!
I agree with Maria. A majority of Republican and Democrat "leaders" in positions of power to stop this aren't doing anything. They're passing budgets that inflict maximum pain; they are giving away their own power to this monster; they're lying to, gaslighting and running from constituents. All evidence to the contrary that this is not who "we" are. It isn't who I am and it may not be who you are Jim, but it sure as heck is who the collective American "we" are. It's disgusting.
That mess was so embarrassing, I couldn't watch it all. Not even close. As a veteran, I am appalled at what this country looks like to our allies now. This is not going to go well for us. We've been forced into bed with a dictator and I'm disgusted!! 🤢 Stop sucking Putin's D 🍆, Chump & friends (of his)! Traitors.
Right on. How could a modern day America vote for such an individual and his cohorts who had the nerve to disrespect and desecrate the grounds of Arlington National for political purposes?!?!
You're welcome. I'm going to wear my veteran's hat next Tuesday as I march with my cane & walker (if I have to). Uh huh. This Democracy isn't going away without a fight. Fuck them!
We who live in countries other than the United States often shake our heads when we hear Americans say, after any calamitous and shameful event :”this is not who we are.” We hear it after every mass shooting event, after hate crimes are committed on vulnerable minorities, and now after so many obtuse and loathsome acts on the part of Trump and his lackeys. Unfortunately this is “who you are” becoming. It is Americans who voted for and who allow this. It is Americans who perpetuate these horrific acts. While I know there are more good people than not in the US and many more redeeming qualities in its populace than not, it is sad to see the devolution of American society into one that allows the violence, allows the hateful rhetoric, allows the acts of disrespect and violence. It’s time for Americans to stand up and PROVE that this is indeed not who you want to be. And then perhaps you will honestly be able to claim that this is indeed not who you are.
I agree with you. I am an American and I am embarrassed that our president and vice president (using small letters because they are small and making us small) acted like grade school bullies. Melania must be really embarrassed, too. I grew up a Republican but matured and recognized the GOP's inability to govern so now I am an Independent. I vote for the best man or woman for the job. I am ashamed of what the U.S. has become. Everything thing you have said is who we are as a nation now. It is not who I am! I am too old to immigrate so I have to live here. Thanks for your words Elizabeth, I hope many people will share them with others. I will.
We need to hear the voices of our past Presidents speaking out now. Governors must speak out loud and clear. Congress must be asked if each of them stands with the Constitution and democracy or if they will continue to support our enemy Putin and Trump - they should each go on record and state from the floor what their stand is. And our Democratic leaders need to step up and unite and speak loudly with one big unified voice and denounce what is happening and provide the leadership the majority of the American people need right now to guide us through this resistance. It happens now - it will be too late when Trump has full command of the military at home - we cannot wait another day.
Unfortunately this is what we are to the rest of the world. The only way out is massive resistence by a growing segmentof the US. It is growing. Support Ukraine!
Hope the Democrats have a plan of resistance for Trump's upcoming speech. Either don't come. Or boo after everything he says.
Yesterday was so distressing disgusting. My father was wounded on Iwo Jima after 4 previous beach assaults in the Pacific. That sacrifice has to mean something. Trump is a plague on the world.
Jim, thank you for immediately reporting on the disturbing attack of President Zelenskyy. It was absolutely shocking to watch the mafia thugs attack a true Statesman and PATRIOT. Rubio and the other minions are a disgrace to humanity! Please encourage people to contact their congressional representatives. We have to take action!!
I’m printing up stickers for post cards that read: VANCE=Hill Bully!
Pass along!
Disgusting behavior all around! The trap was set for Zelensky!
Support Ukraine 🇺🇦
None of this will end well for any of them. In that I take comfort. God save Ukraine. God protect President Zelensky. God help America.
And “See you in court!”
The courts mean nothing to those bullies. They are ignoring them all, by design of Project 2025 and what SCOTUS did taking off the guardrails. Haven't you noticed? Nothing is getting through or stopping them.
We are so ashamed of what transpired. This is not America.
I want to believe "This is not America," but I am starting to wonder, as are, rightfully, many of our allies. Maybe it is. As the niece of a man who landed at Normandy and the daughter of a man who left home at age 17, lied about his age, and joined the U.S. Navy in 1944 to "fight the Nazis," not to mention the great-niece, niece, and cousin of many who have served in all branches of the U.S. military beginning in WWI, I certainly know this is not who I am. How is this happening? What can we do to stop it? I am ready to do whatever it takes. Will someone lead? I fear we have dark days ahead.
Exactly. I'm also the daughter of a WWII Navy man who was at Normandy, granddaughter of a WWI vet and great granddaughter of a Civil War Union soldier. In just one month this orange POS has destroyed a great legacy of the US being the best.
I’m the daughter of a Pearl Harbor survivor. Sadly, he got sucked into the Fox hemisphere and was all in for the orange stain. Voted for him in 2016. Dad died in June, 2020. Had he not, he had every intention of voting for him again. Likewise, his friends were all Fox devotees. One had the nerve of wear a MAGA hat and mask to my dad’s service at the Riverside Memorial Cemetery. Such a disgrace. I often wonder if dad would still be a trump supporter. I’d like to think he would have seen the light but he was so Fox brainwashed, probably not. 😞
I don't know how to counter this "sucked into the Fox hemisphere." This is the case for many I know who voted for him. I wish I had an answer.
I wish that Fox "news" could be removed from the air, it is part of the destruction of this country.
I agree. At the very least, it should have to change its name from "NEWS." Not being factual reporting, it isn't NEWS.
I am sure you are proud of your father. Our parents are human but just like us they try their best. It is difficult to figure out why they believe one way or the other.
Parents feel that way about their children as well. It must hurt especially the memory of all those MAGA hats; but focus on the fact he was loved by all those men no matter their vote. And know you were loved dearly by your father.
Love is not so much sweet and gentle as it is powerful, and I believe love transcends death. It is that powerful. Inhale all that energy. Your dad I'm sure was doing the best he could no matter how misguided you may view his politics.
My mom and dad never voted for the same candidates. Back then politics and elections were not a blood sport; just something that happened and we teased each other over our choices.
The media changed that motivated by profit. I think we will see mainstream media pay their dues in time. The outlets are dying. Look at The Washington Post.
The trauma of Pearl Harbor likely haunted your dad to the end. After the war having the camaraderie of other men was likely a big comfort.
Debra I too am ashamed,but think of the good people. I am a big fan of Sec. Mayor Pete he is a leader and a young one. I don't know if you remember Rodgers and Hammerstein's Sound of Music. But "Climb every Mountain " lyrics say: "at the end of a storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark". I could quote the whole song but you can listen to it anywhere. The words are beyond stirring- they are words of encouragement that are timeless. AHH t have music like that again. we as a generation were lucky to have lived with their talent.
I agree Beatrice. There are many good people. I am just working on absorbing how many I actually know who are not or, perhaps, in a kinder assessment, are unable or unwilling to see the truth. Working through my grief and disappointment. Not giving up.
That is a favorite of mine since childhood. It was the poignant piece at the end of the play, which was turned into a movie, Carousel.
While it's great that there are "good people" we have to DO something. there were good Germans in the 30's and 40's, good Cambodians in the 70's. It's activism time. commentary is easily muted
I completely agree. It is going to require more than commentary, and I do not plan to be quiet or sit on the sidelines.
I am so glad you referenced Climb Every Mountain which is so inspiring. Ironic that Sound of Music (Rogers and Hammertein )is set against the backdrop of Nazism's creep into Salzburg Austria until with the culminating with the Nazi takeover. The song , "No Way To Stop It" is a great "Obey In Advance" anthem. It was only in the stage play. They cut it out from the movie.
-some of the lyrics....
You dear attractive dewy-eyed idealist, (the Captain)
Today you have to learn to be a realist.
You may be bent on doing deed of daring due,
But up against a shark, what can a herring do?
Be wise, compromise.
Compromise, and be wise!
Let them think you're on their side, be noncommittal.
I will not bow my head to the men I despise!
You won't have to bow your head to stoop a little.
Why not learn to put your faith and your reliance,
On an obvious and simple fact of science? .....
Be wise, compromise.
Compromise, and be wise!
Let them think you're on their side, be noncommittal.
I will not bow my head to the men I despise!
You won't have to bow your head to stoop a little.
Why not learn to put your faith and your reliance,
On an obvious and simple fact of science?
A crazy planet full of crazy people,
Is somersaulting all around the sky.
And every time it turns another somersault,
Another day goes by.
And there's no way to stop it,
And there's no way to stop it,
No, there's no way to stop it.
No, you can't stop it even if you tried.
So, I'm not going to worry,
No, I'm not going to worry,
Every time I see another day go by.
.....If the earth wants to roll around the sun.
You're a fool if you worry.
You're a fool if you worry,
Over anything but little number one.
I'm going to watch the play now for a little reminder to not 'obey in advance.' (the BBC TV live version).
"When you walk through a the end of the storm there is a golden sky.... " was written by Rodgers and Hammerstein for "Carousel" .
Climb Every Mountain' will remind me not to keep the dream alive. I have often gotten these two great songs switched around. They would work in either play.
Trump needs to be responsible for the shame. when we say we sre ashamed we are taking responsibility and weakened by it.
Democrats in public office at any level MUST start attending republican town hall meetings totally unannounced and start setting the record straight in front of their constituency and the world. THIS WILL NOT STAND! We must be on offense!
I have said it before and I will say it again....Crocket, AOC and Buttigieg are our BEST communicators. You are absolutely correct they need to attend republican town halls unannounced. However, the republicans have been instructed not to hold town halls anymore due to constituent backlash at the meetings.
We can hold a town hall for them. Place an empty chair in their place.
M. Layfield, that is actually a great idea you have.
Thank you, but actually, respectively, I saw it posted in a chat discussion yesterday. It is a brilliant idea, and I thank the original poster for submitting the idea. I wish I had their name so I could acknowledge them.
This assumes that Republicans are going to have town halls. Our Ryan MacKenzie has nothing scheduled.
Yeah, I live in Elise Stefanick's district and she has done nothing but lie and kiss Trump's derriere for the last eight years. Of course, she will be rewarded, maybe, with the UN post. Not only have we had to deal with her non-action for those years, but now her lies and syncophancy will be sicced on the world.
They might not have them in person because they are cowards. They might have them virtually and Democratic leaders need to show up there as well.
I don’t see how we pull out of our decline as long as we allow propaganda networks to flourish. A large portion of the country knows only lies. Democracy cannot survive without truth.
I could not agree more. They do not seek out the truth and never hear it
It’s an ironic paradox that our extreme concept of “freedom of speech” could be the cause of our demise, with ALL freedoms lost. A bad calculus.
Exactly this. I think we have to boycott their sponsors and be very, very vocal about it. Spend less overall, let’s face it he’s a warmonger that is going to spend it all on Russian expansionism and we’re gonna suffer through that.
Agree totally on the power of consumer boycott. Back in the fall, I started stockpiling essentials, under the Biden economy, with the plan of quitting all non-discretionary spending if Trump won. So far, we can’t be prosecuted for not shopping. I think eventually we will be upping the concept to a national strike.
Love this idea!
You are absolutely right. It has become so frustrating trying to find truth tellers…..why I’m here on Substack. Many times, I watch news coverage on NBC and then switch to Fox to hear what the “other side” is saying. It’s remarkable how biased the reporting is and peppered with personal commentary versus impartiality. Couple that with the prevalence of “ low information voters” and it becomes an uphill battle to get out of the situation we are in. It shouldn’t require so much effort to get the real story.
You are diligent to subject yourself to Fox News! Whenever I encounter a clip, I think how very obvious it is that they are unserious and sketchy. Another reader on a different Substack I follow shared a link to Mike Lofgren’s writing. This particular piece impressed me because he boldly goes where others refuse; Trump voters are accountable for this. Period. No excuses. Along with his opinions I share, is marveling how they survive daily life, with such stupidity.
Excellent read. Thanks for sharing the article. It resonates. Stupidity….yes and laziness. I just don’t think you can use your vote well without effort at keeping yourself informed and educating yourself, not just on the issues but history. If the right to vote was not a right of citizenship but had a qualification test as a precursor, I wonder how many people would pass.
I think the lack of engagement is rooted in narcissism. They imagine themselves to be smarter, or “above the fray”. And narcissists demand that a candidate is a 100% match for their beliefs or no deal.
I woke up this morning trying to make sense of the oval office meeting yesterday with President Zelenskyy and the stink that resonated from Trump and Vance. Do Americans not remember when Trump claimed repeatedly during his campaign he would end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours or how it would never have happened if he were president. His supporters ate it up and cheered him on. I think most Americans knew he was outright lying. He knew he could not end a war in 24 hours that Russia started. Only Putin could end the destruction and murdering of innocent Ukrainian people, but that was not Putin's goal. He said he believes Putin wants peace as Putin was bombing Ukraine. Trump once again is trying to rewrite history and has shifted the blame of the war on President Zelenskyy. My point is, Trump is destroying America, our values and all that we have stood for. JMO...I don't believe Trump is trying to make a peace deal with Ukraine's best interest in mind, but rather a deal of sorts that will be beneficial mostly to himself and Putin.
And while it's on my mind, all of his Make America Great Again nonsense that has rolled off his tongue for years is really getting old, just like him. Glory to Ukraine
this now IS MagAmerica
Gosh I hope not.
He is setting us up to join the axis of evil. I have not been so ashamed since Helsinki. But the task ahead for those of us who love this country and want to thwart his evil ways is to shout louder than he does and find ways to work around him.
Unfit To Govern, Needs To Resign
I was watching from New Zealand and most of us here were appalled. Our Prime Minister issued an official statement on behalf of NZ, supporting Ukraine and Zelensky. Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!
Sadly, it *is* who we are.
I agree with Maria. A majority of Republican and Democrat "leaders" in positions of power to stop this aren't doing anything. They're passing budgets that inflict maximum pain; they are giving away their own power to this monster; they're lying to, gaslighting and running from constituents. All evidence to the contrary that this is not who "we" are. It isn't who I am and it may not be who you are Jim, but it sure as heck is who the collective American "we" are. It's disgusting.
So sad.
That mess was so embarrassing, I couldn't watch it all. Not even close. As a veteran, I am appalled at what this country looks like to our allies now. This is not going to go well for us. We've been forced into bed with a dictator and I'm disgusted!! 🤢 Stop sucking Putin's D 🍆, Chump & friends (of his)! Traitors.
Right on. How could a modern day America vote for such an individual and his cohorts who had the nerve to disrespect and desecrate the grounds of Arlington National for political purposes?!?!
Yeah, that was fucked-up too. 🙄
Thank you for your service!!❤️
You're welcome. I'm going to wear my veteran's hat next Tuesday as I march with my cane & walker (if I have to). Uh huh. This Democracy isn't going away without a fight. Fuck them!
Thank you for your service now and in the past, America needs her hero’s now more than ever
You got it. I'm pushing 70, but I'll be there or be square. ✊🏿
Trump puckers Pooty💋
When Carlson interviewed Putin, I printed out “Tucker puckers Pooty!”🤣
We who live in countries other than the United States often shake our heads when we hear Americans say, after any calamitous and shameful event :”this is not who we are.” We hear it after every mass shooting event, after hate crimes are committed on vulnerable minorities, and now after so many obtuse and loathsome acts on the part of Trump and his lackeys. Unfortunately this is “who you are” becoming. It is Americans who voted for and who allow this. It is Americans who perpetuate these horrific acts. While I know there are more good people than not in the US and many more redeeming qualities in its populace than not, it is sad to see the devolution of American society into one that allows the violence, allows the hateful rhetoric, allows the acts of disrespect and violence. It’s time for Americans to stand up and PROVE that this is indeed not who you want to be. And then perhaps you will honestly be able to claim that this is indeed not who you are.
I agree with you. I am an American and I am embarrassed that our president and vice president (using small letters because they are small and making us small) acted like grade school bullies. Melania must be really embarrassed, too. I grew up a Republican but matured and recognized the GOP's inability to govern so now I am an Independent. I vote for the best man or woman for the job. I am ashamed of what the U.S. has become. Everything thing you have said is who we are as a nation now. It is not who I am! I am too old to immigrate so I have to live here. Thanks for your words Elizabeth, I hope many people will share them with others. I will.
Yes, this IS who we are. People are working through their denial, but this is who we've always been.
We need to hear the voices of our past Presidents speaking out now. Governors must speak out loud and clear. Congress must be asked if each of them stands with the Constitution and democracy or if they will continue to support our enemy Putin and Trump - they should each go on record and state from the floor what their stand is. And our Democratic leaders need to step up and unite and speak loudly with one big unified voice and denounce what is happening and provide the leadership the majority of the American people need right now to guide us through this resistance. It happens now - it will be too late when Trump has full command of the military at home - we cannot wait another day.
Unfortunately this is what we are to the rest of the world. The only way out is massive resistence by a growing segmentof the US. It is growing. Support Ukraine!
The real protagonist here was JDV. He insulted PresZ first and kept at it. Was premeditated and vicious. Just like Russia’s invasion of 🇺🇦
Hope the Democrats have a plan of resistance for Trump's upcoming speech. Either don't come. Or boo after everything he says.
Yesterday was so distressing disgusting. My father was wounded on Iwo Jima after 4 previous beach assaults in the Pacific. That sacrifice has to mean something. Trump is a plague on the world.
Jim, thank you for immediately reporting on the disturbing attack of President Zelenskyy. It was absolutely shocking to watch the mafia thugs attack a true Statesman and PATRIOT. Rubio and the other minions are a disgrace to humanity! Please encourage people to contact their congressional representatives. We have to take action!!